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Five Words for Female Professionals--Final Word

The New Year is in its infancy, and so many days and months are ahead of us to get our goals realized.  It's exciting to think of the great things that are on the way, and a little unnerving to consider what struggles and trials await us for they will surely come.  Since we are intending to shape our own destiny, hopefully we can overcome our challenges without being deterred.  If we take our time and are intentional in all of our efforts to succeed, we can get those things we strive for.  It will require that we stay focused and dedicated to our personal mission.  Therefore, we need to practice perseverance.  That is your final word:  perseverance.
     You may be fired up right now early in this year to set goals and achieve them.  You might feel determined and have a clear vision of where you ultimately want to be.  Most people feel that way at the beginning of the year.  But as time moves on, the desire fades, and we fall back into life as usual.  We find reasons why we can't get to the next phase.  We make excuses why we didn't reach a milestone.  We don't go back and consult our written plan.  And we eventually give up.  By second quarter or at latest mid-year, we've pretty much abandoned our goals.  Another year will pass without us getting what we really want, and we lament by the end of the year that we didn't make it.  So we vow in the coming year to start all over again, and this can go on for years never fully realizing what we always wanted to do.  That stops now.
     If you are serious about finally hitting the mark for yourself in business and in your personal life, then you can not yield to outside forces  You can not allow obstacles, no matter how large and immovable, to get in your way.  You may get slowed down, but you can't get stopped.  Go around or over your barriers, but don't let them rob you of your achievements.  Giving up should not be an option.  Will sticking it out be hard?  Probably.  But that's no reason to quit.  Anything worth having is worth working for.  Stand strong.  Persevere.
     So now you have all five words for female professionals who want to win this year.  Be the first to write all five in the comments section of this blog.  The first person receives free attendance to the Women's Forum on Leadership to be held on January 14th from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.  The next four entries can attend at half price.  You will be empowered when you attend this series.  If you're committed to finally determining your own success and achieving it, we'll help you get there.  Register today at or call (803) 256-2000.  Thanks for following.


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